Upcoming action role-playing game Diable 4’s associate game director Joseph Piepirora revealed that it will take more than 150 hours for any player to grind and reach level 100
Reaching level 100 will take 150+ hours for the average player experience.
— Joseph Piepiora (@JPiepiora) April 23, 2023
This news has been confirmed in a reply by Piepiora on Twitter, indicating that Diablo 4 will be a significant time investment for players when it is released on June 6th later this year.
In addition, the developer has also shared that it will take approximately 80 hours to complete each season’s battle pass, which will have both free and premium tracks with more cosmetic rewards.
This is not the first time that the developers have revealed significant information through social media. Previously, the game’s general manager Rod Furgusson had hinted that the popular map overlay function might not be included in the game at launch, while the Global Community Director Adam Fletcher had confirmed that characters who fall in the PvP areas known as the Fields of Hatred will face permanent deletion on hardcore mode.
Diablo 4 is set to undergo one final beta test, known as the “server slam,” from May 12 to 14. This event is designed to stress-test the online infrastructure of the game while introducing new tweaks and gameplay updates based on previous test weekends. However, the developer has cautioned that any character progression earned during this period will not carry over to the final game.